Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Naryn town, Kyrgyzstan

I’m Zholoman. I was born in Naryn. That abstract paper I will describe about Naryn history, a lot of positive information.  That is a very cold region in Kyrgyzstan. Weather is dry. Naryn located on the river at 2500 m. Naryn - one of the smallest cities in the world with a trolley. here located the Naryn State University Museum, Medical college and Musical Drama, Population of 50000 people. Main religion of the peopleIslamIn Naryn, a total of 8 schools. 10,000 students. Most leading school for the quality of education a school named. Chkalov, after my School. Maten Sydykov. Usually, people are engaged in cattle breeding, is a record for the country, according to the number of cattle. The highest quality meat is in Naryn.
The region is poorly developed economic regions of the republic's social infrastructure. Free Economic Zone registered as business entities 54 joint ventures operating in different directions on the economy. Produce gold, building bricks, mineral water and known sources, coal. As well as build a mini hydro power station on the river Naryn. Joint ventures established with countries such as China, the U.S., Lebanon, Cyprus, Malta, Bulgaria and Russia

In Naryn always cultural events concerts, National Assembly in which people play in national games that is national Games
At-chabysh - a long-distance race
Georges-Salysh - running pacers
Ulak tartysh or Kok-Boru - horsemen fighting for a goat carcass
Oodarysh - fighting two riders
Tyiyn enmey - dostavanie coin from the ground
Kiz Kuumai - catch the girl
Kiz zharysh. Kelin zharysh - racing girls and young married woman
Jamba ATMA - shooting at a target from a galloping horse
Kuresh - belt wrestling
Alty bakan selkinchek - riding on a swing
Hunting with a golden eagle or a falcon


Kyrgyz national items in Naryn

Features of national items Kyrgyz appear in unusual traditional ornaments that reflect nature, singularity of mountains and rivers, nomadic people. Women's clothing is different from other Muslim countries of Eastern women never wore the veil, open their clothing was always bright, colorful and elegant, convenient for everyday life, and to ride a horse. Famous Kyrgyz felt “shyrdak” - is smart carpet, “ala kiyiz” - small felt carpets and carcasses “kiyiz” - created by the hands of female masters jewelry. Many products of practical use since ancient times to the present day in the home.

In 1997, the founder of the Association Askar Salymbekov created a football team "Dordoi" (Naryn), which for 15 years playing in the top league championship of the Kyrgyz Republic. During this time, the team won three times bronze medals, one silver and again six times, became the champion of the country, and is a five-time winner of the Cup of Kyrgyzstan. Team "Dordoi" five times reaching the final of the Cup of the President of the Asian Football Confederation, twice winner. Besides winning players in international tournaments in Kazakhstan, China and other countries.